Trend of Pakistan's Meat production Industry

One of Pakistan’s leading exporters of fresh chilled Halal meat.
Based in rural Karachi, the property is strategically positioned within close proximity of both the international airport and seaport. PK is an innovative company constantly upgrading its quality assurances to keep up with the continued improvements in food security.
PK in an ISO9002, HACCP certified company. Using Australian technology, our beef and mutton plants are equipped with the most up-date systems available.
PK is highly regarded as being one of the leading exporters of Halal meat from Pakistan. Our main customers are from the Gulf region and include such countries as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and Iran.
PK Beef Slaughtering Plant
The meat processing chain starts at the gate and PK puts great emphasis on selecting only young healthy animals for delivery to the plant. Slaughtering takes place under strict veterinary supervision.
Our beef plant was designed and installed by technicians from Australia and our production line is comparable to any in the region. Our technically advanced system minimizes the handling of carcasses ensuring a more hygienic product.
PK Mutton Slaughtering Plant
PK’s mutton plant uses the modern inverted system renowned for its carcass quality. The plant also comes with a steamed vacuum cleaner enhancing further the cleanliness of the carcass. The sheep and goat carcasses are chilled and stockinetted ready for transportation.
Quality Assurance
We have a team of laboratory scientists testing not only meat quality but also things such as air and water quality. Our Quality Assurance officers monitor and record all functions of the export process ensuring hygiene standards and documentation procedures are administered correctly.
Only the best grades of meat are produced at PK!
When preparing as food, it is important that the meat is of a healthy young animal and has gone through a hygienic and Halal process. Everyone at PK understands that a clean, healthy environment is critical to the production of high quality meat and to satisfying the needs of our valued customers.
Modern times require modern equipment and PK delivers!
We are committed to invest and embrace modern technology. All chillers are equipped with a GPRS Base live temperature monitoring system giving 24-hour surveillance. Our modern equipment and quality assurance programs enable us to consistently deliver high grade meat to our customers.
Transportation Network
Our transport fleet allows control of incoming livestock movements and outgoing meat exports. Transportation of meat is carried out using the PK fleet of refrigerated containers.