Trend of agriculture (Pakistan)

 Agriculture in Pakistan
Pakistan's main natural resources are arable land and water. Pakistan's total land area under cultivation is about 25% of the world's largest irrigation system by a watered. Pakistan three times more acres than Russia irrigates. 21 per cent of agricultural GDP and labor force accounts for 41 per cent of employees.

Agriculture, Pakistan's economy is an important sector and 25.9 percent of GDP in 1999-2000, calculated according to government estimates.

The sector directly three-quarters of the population supports, half the labor force work, and foreign exchange earnings contributes a large part. Important agricultural products, meat, mutton, milk and eggs than the cotton, wheat, rice, sugarcane, fruit and vegetables are. Pakistan world's largest irrigation system to support the production of one depends on. Are the 2 main seasons. Cotton, rice and sugarcane in kharif season, which lasts from May to November are born during. Important rabi wheat crop, which is applicable from April to November. A need for improved production of important resources, especially land and water is a more effective use.
 However, the arable land change and large landowners irrigation system, in which large-scale reforms are difficult to control more than 40 percent of self depends. By independent agencies including the World Bank analysis, the large landholdings are very unproductive to show. Pakistan's agricultural commodities importer is a network. Annual imports about U.S. $ 2 billion and the total wheat, edible oil, pulses, and consumer goods including food.
Pakistan raw cotton in the world is one of the largest producers. The annual cotton crop in Punjab province, a massive large overall size of the economy's health is an important barometer, because the yarn spinning industry and the availability of basic raw materials to determine the price, very from the southern coastal city of Karachi is centered around. Government estimates some 8.8 million 11.2 million bales in 170 kg bales and bales achieved in 1991-92 record of 12.8 million compared to 1998-99 outturn keep the fruits of 1999-2000. Government's recent intervention in market prices of actively promoting and encouraging production. A major problem is that most adverse weather and pest of cotton crop loss, crop statistics which shows the sensitive. 2.18 million tonnes in 1991-92 after peaking, lint harvest has fluctuated a lot since, 1.37 lakh tonnes in 1993-94 to less than 1.9 million tonnes a year from 1999-2000 high..

2000-01 record wheat crop of 19.3 million tonnes during last year's 17.8 million tonnes compared with production forecast was. The increase due to favorable weather and 25 per cent of purchase price, per ton of about 135 U.S. dollars on a large scale increase. 85 percent of crops are irrigated. Despite record production, a major Pakistan will continue to import wheat. Government of the United States an average of $ 2.4 million annually during the past 5 years has been imported. United States and Australia is a major supplier. Demand for wheat from Pakistan's fast growing population of Afghanistan with a similar cross-border trade is increasing.

Pakistan a major exporter of rice and 2 million tons annually, or about 10 percent of world trade is about export. Exports about 25 percent of Pakistan's famous fragrant Basmati rice. Pakistan exports rice, another important source of income. Private traders handle all exports. Pakistan's chief rival in the business of rice Thailand, Vietnam, and India are.

Tobacco in North West Frontier Province and Punjab is mainly created and is an important cash crop. Pakistan joins those two neighboring countries about a massive expansion of services provided by the industry are due. Quality, climate, however, and only slowly because of land issues is better. Between farmers with vegetable and tobacco crops to increase profits have started counting. About half of total production of cigarettes and tobacco to use traditional methods used for other (hand wrapped in cigarette birris phone, water pipe, and as snuff). Download part of tobacco imports, increased demand for cigarettes in response is increasing gradually.
Total cultivated area of ​​small crops by only 5 per cent; these oilseeds (sun fly, soybean), pepper, potatoes and onions are added. Domestic oilseed total edible oil requirements of Pakistan only about 25 percent of production accounts. As a result, Pakistan more than U.S. $ 1 billion less to import foreign oils replaces it spends annually, while the oilseed processing industry supply of oilseeds because of inadequate capacity operates at 25 per cent. Total oilseed production for 2000-01 of 3.6 million tonnes was 10 per cent forecast. Government as a priority the development of oilseed sector is highlighted.
Pakistan fishing, industry is relatively balanced, but strong growth in recent years. According to many small domestic market of about 2 kg with the person's annual consumption. About 80 percent of production from 2 main areas comes from marine fisheries, Sindh Karachi east coast of the Indian border, and the Balochistan coast mkran. Ninety percent of the total marine fish catch crabs that have shaped the rest because of their greater relative price and demand in foreign markets are valuable. During 1999-00 the total fish production of 620,000 tonnes, 440,000 tonnes of which is composed of marine fish and other fresh water was caste. About a third of the catch is consumed fresh, frozen 9 percent, 8 boxes per cent and 43 per cent of animal food for the fish used as food.
Agriculture sector and 40 per cent of total GDP Livestock accounts for 9 percent. Principal milk products, beef, mutton, poultry, and wool are. During 1999, 120 million head of livestock population has increased. Pakistan this year of 970,000 tonnes of meat, 640,000 tonnes of mutton, and poultry produced 190,000 tonnes. A milk and meat production is expanding, the government recently with the Asian Development Bank launched a comprehensive livestock development project. Poultry production rapidly popular protein source provides low-cost. Modern poultry production more death, high incidence of disease, poor quality girls, and poor quality feed, an inadequate marketing system is forced together by. Frozen poultry has been recently introduced.
(agriculture tools)
Pakistan 4.2 million hectares of forest, or about 5 percent of the total area includes the area. Wood forest products important principle of home construction, furniture and wood are for. Wild areas of the country on many severe end result is exploitation. Government has done most of the remaining resources, however, environmental corruption jeopardizes efforts to promote and export duties to protect low cut limited. Forestry production in 1998-99 from 1.07 million cubic meters in 1990-91 to 475,000 million cubic meters declined. Pakistan an estimated 150 U.S. million dollars of wood products imported annually needs a growing population and by a wealthy elite to meet growing demand.


Wheat fields in Punjab, Pakistan
The most important crops of wheat, times, cotton and rice, with the total crop production costs account for more than 75 per cent are.
Pakistan's largest food crop is wheat. In 2005 Pakistan 21,591,400 metric tons of wheat, all of Africa (20,304,585 metric tonnes) and as close to South America (24,557,784 metric tonnes) as the most maximum of FAO the production,
Pakistan is the dramatic cut in the use of dangerous drugs.
Pakistan is a network of food exporter, except in occasional years when the crop is adversely affected by droughts. Pakistan exports rice, cotton, fish, fruits (especially orange and mango) and vegetables and imports vegetable oil, wheat, cotton, pulses and consumer foods. Country's largest camel market in Asia, the second largest apricot and ghee market and third largest cotton market is onions and milk.
Freedom of economic importance of agriculture, when GDP was 53 per cent as its share has declined. Poor harvest of 1993, the government increased agricultural support prices of many agricultural commodities and expanded availability of agricultural credit assistance, including policies, is introduced. From 1993 to 1997, 5.7% real growth in agriculture, but after an average of about 4% refused. Agricultural reforms, including increased wheat and oilseed production, the government's economic reform package to a central role.
Pakistan most of the country's agricultural production growing process used by food industry is. The value of retail sales of processed food during the Nineties has been every year was 12 per cent in 2000 is estimated at $ 1 billion, although supermarkets just 10 per cent promotion.
Federal Bureau of Statistics provisionally Rs.504 major crop yield value, 868 million in 2005 to 2000 thus registering over 55 per cent while the minor crops get price Rs.184, 707 million were similar to 2000 in 2005 41 per cent increase was recorded.

Economic Survey of Pakistan livestock sector contributes about half of the cost involved in agriculture sector, Pakistan's GDP, the crop area exceeds the amount of about 11 per cent.

The daily news is important that national cattle herd of 24.2 million, 26.3 million buffaloes, 24.9 million sheep, 56.7 million goats and 0.8 million camels contains newspaper war. Besides these more than 530 million birds, with annual production in the country is a vibrant poultry sector. These animals, milk, 1.115 million tonnes of beef, mutton of 0.740 million tonnes, 0.416 million tonnes of poultry meat, 8.528 billion eggs, wool, 40.2 thousand tons (Pakistan Dairy 5th largest producer in the world) some of the 29.472 million tonnes, 21.5 thousand tons of hair and 51.2 million skins and hides. Food and Agriculture Organization reported in June 2006 that Pakistan, the world's fifth largest milk producing country in the Government's efforts are being, to modernize milk collection and storage of milk and milk products to improve undertaken for. Federal Statistics Bureau in provisionally Rs.758, 470 million in 2005 cost the region since 2000 thus registering over 70 per cent increase.

Fishing in Pakistan
Fisheries and fishing industry in national economy of Pakistan plays an important role. With 814 km of coastline, fishing in Pakistan sufficient resources are fully developed. It is also an important source of export earnings.
Forestry in Pakistan
Pakistan only 4% of land with forest cover is about. Pakistan's forest food, wood, paper, fuelwood, latex, good forest conservation and ecotourism for the purposes of drug use are an important source.

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